Society of Floating Solutions (Singapore)

Category: Members’ Feature Articles

  • Time for Singapore to say ‘Yes’ to nuclear

    Time for Singapore to say ‘Yes’ to nuclear

    A floating nuclear power plant mitigates risks and offers economic advantages. The Fukushima nuclear accident dealt a blow to the emerging “nuclear renaissance” just when the world was close to putting Chernobyl behind it. In its aftermath, several countries, including Japan and Germany, put aside, under public pressure, plans to…

  • The Science of Large Floating Structures: Chien Ming Wang – Episode 07

    The Science of Large Floating Structures: Chien Ming Wang – Episode 07

    “This episode is about engineering and materials of seasteads. The episode’s guest is Professor Wang Chien Ming. Professor Wang is the Blue Frontiers’ advisor in structural engineering of very large floating structures. In this very entertaining and insightful episode, Professor Wang describes many examples of already existing very large floating…

  • Deployable, reconfigurable, affordable and repurposable naval bases of the future

    Deployable, reconfigurable, affordable and repurposable naval bases of the future

    This paper discusses a revolutionary idea for naval bases of the future. Even as rising sea level inundates land, the human population relentlessly pushes towards the coast. New space solution is needed. Mega floats offer this solution. Mega floats are deployable, easily scalable, and may be reconfigured as needs change.…

  • SEAVOLUTION – Mega Floats for a Sustainable Future

    SEAVOLUTION – Mega Floats for a Sustainable Future

    Earth is a planet of incredible beauty. Even with the Hubble Space Telescope, scientists cannot find another planet that comes close to Earth’s richness in diversity. While the other planets in our solar system look barren and even threatening, ours when seen from outer space is covered by a soft…

  • Applying VLFS for Shipyard Operations

    Applying VLFS for Shipyard Operations

    A paper presented at EASEC14 on 6th January 2016 at Ho Chi Ming City