society of floating solutions (singapore)


Membership is open to any person or organisation having an interest in the Society. The registration fee is S$100. Annual subscriptions are payable as follows:

Professional Membership

Annual subscription is S$ 100 with 3 years membership payable at a discounted rate of S$ 270. Full members are eligible to stand for election and/or vote at such elections.

In the first year, subscription is pro-rated. The SFSS business year begins on 1 January. The fee is reduced by S$ 8.33 for each full month that has already passed when you join.

Student Membership

Annual subscription is waived but this means no voting right.

Membership Benefits:

  • Reduced conference registration fee for the annual World Conference on Floating Solutions (SFSS flagship event)
  • Reduced fees for event registration (site visits, member nights, symposia, etc.)
  • Reduced fees for society-organized courses
  • Information about upcoming events and other announcements
  • Posting of your news on floating solutions and related topics

Payment Methods:

1) Cheque:

Please write the cheque in favour of Society of FLOATING SOLUTIONS (Singapore) and mail to:

The Society of Floating Solutions (Singapore)
7 Temasek Boulevard
#12-07 SUNTEC Tower One
Singapore 038987

2) Bank / Telegraphic Transfer (TT):

Beneficiary: Society of FLOATING SOLUTIONS (Singapore)
Bank Account No.: Current Account 012-902300-0
Name of Beneficiary Bank: DBS Bank
Address of Beneficiary Bank: 12 Marina Boulevard, DBS Asia Central, Marina Bay Financial Centre Tower 3, Singapore 018982
Country: Singapore
(DBS/POSB Bank does not have an IBAN, Routing Number or Sort Code.)

Download the membership application / renewal form here and email completed form in pdf and word format to